Prized possessions.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Nearly 13 years ago, I found these paint-by-number paintings in a Salvation Army store. They are framed in a crude manner and signed by the artist. I adore them. And they are large. For paint-by-number's, they are big! There is rough wire, strung on the frames to hold the paintings on the wall. I bought them as is and haven't done a single thing to them. They've been gently moved, twice, in Connecticut, and then to our home in Utah. I imagine some little old lady painted them and her feeble husband made the frames and fastened the wire for her. This is just the story I've created. I wish I knew more. (Or maybe I don't. I worry that if I found the artist or her family, they'd want these gems back!) On an opposite wall, in the same room, hang more than half a dozen paintings done by "professional" artists. I love those too. But, something about these simple, paint-by-number pieces has my heart. Is there something in your home that speaks to you? That has you in a way others might not understand? That is the kind of decorating I love. That's why I shy away from trend decorating, as a rule. Trends are fun and exciting and positively have a place in our homes. But, it's those rare pieces that fill a wall, a bookshelf, or a nightstand, that truly say who we are. Who you are.


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